Advice to my 27-year-old self

May 28, 2020

Exactly 10 years ago to the day, I defended my PhD. A rare moment in professional life, you actually get the opportunity to celebrate an achievement. So definitely happy memories to look back upon, but also a moment of reflection. What advice would I give my 27-year old self?

💡 Don't aim for a straight path to success. The detours along the road make up the most enriching experiences, even if it doesn't feel so at that moment.

💡 Time is your most valuable asset, so choose wisely how to spend it. Put first things first. Prioritize time for a friend, exercise or a good book. Don't put your life on hold for 'deadlines'. There will always be work,… always.

💡 Self-improvement is a noble goal in life but doesn't build confidence. Recognizing and appreciating your strengths and achievements will.

💡 Feed your curiosity, cherish your interests and passions. A nourished soul makes a happy person.

💡 Put your rational mind aside and trust your gut feeling. When it comes down to people, this is often the best thing to do.

💡 Live life as if you were running a marathon, not a sprint. Forget about the destination, or the destination after the destination. Because even if you get there, it will feel different than you thought it would.